Not all of us are lucky enough to have a smooth cycle path all the way on our daily commute. If you want to glide comfortably over the bumps, potholes and cobbles, then maybe the Kopenhagen Balloon Gents bike is perfect for you! With its distinctive, eye-catching 60mm wide tyres, it’s stylish, luxurious and practical.
The Kopenhagen Balloon Gents bike is made to make your ride an absolute pleasure:
Just as you’d imagine, the Kopenhagen Balloon Gents bike is a masterclass in functionality.
We like to look after our bike owners so the Kopenhagen Balloon Gents bike has the following safety features:
We all have different needs and some people might want something extra added to their Kopenhagen Balloon Gents bike. Here are just some of the possibilities.
The Kopenhagen Balloon Gents bike is a great option but is it right for you? See how it compares to others:
The Balloon bike has the distinctive 60mm wide tyres that hold more air and so give better suspension on bumpy roads but if you are lucky enough to live in somewhere with nice flat cycle paths, then maybe the Kopenhagen Classic Gents with its standard 50mm tyres is good for you. Apart from the tyres, it’s pretty much the same stylish ride!