Tag Arkiver: myvelorbis

Business Case : XL-BYG

Når dine håndværkerkunder efterspørger budcykler som led i den grønne omstilling, ja så ringer man til Velorbis. Håndværkere har i stigende grad behov for at komme til og fra byggepladser og ejendomme på en hurtig, effektiv og bæredygtig måde, og når også det offentlige system er begyndt at lægge vægt på grøn transport i deres […]

Luxury hotels need luxury bikes

Business Case: Hotel Savoy Firenze, part of Rocco Forte Hotels Welcome to Florence, an art historian’s paradise. Located beside the Duomo, Hotel Savoy is the perfect place to soak up the Florentine atmosphere. And nothing beats seeing the city on a Velorbis hotel bike. BUSINESS SOLUTIONS Professional corporations, organisations and councils today want to create […]

We delivered a fleet of cargo bikes just like this beauty to Skanska. Not only can their employees now commute around building sites and office locations, but they also get happy, healthy, and motivated people and as icing on the cake, Skanska gets brand visibility and good vibes from everyone who sees the bikes in […]